Monday, July 9, 2012

Horsing around on the Platteland

We shot the cover of Huisgenoot promoting Platteland - a film starring Lianie May and Bok van Blerk - at one of my favourite spots, the Velskoen drive-in (so sad that it has since closed down, the end of an era).
Don't get disillusioned by all the big screen magic, behind-the-scenes is very rarely as glamorous as the finished product. Yes, sometimes the only power source available to plug your ghd into will be in a very cramped, not-so-fresh-smelling ticket booth

And yes, sometimes your office will be wedged between the cafeteria and the toilets

There may not have been a lot of glam but there sure was a lot of fun! Our stars of the day were so great to work with, both teased each other incessantly and had us laughing most of the day. There was plenty horsing around....

 ...which surprisingly makes for a great mag insert!

There were rolling storm clouds above us the whole day, threatening to cancel our shoot, but luckily just a few drops came down and my last day at Velskoen ended with a beautiful instagram-worthy sky.

Watch the movie, buy the t-shirt, even if you don't know Afrikaans, SUPPORT LOCAL TALENT!