Friday, April 30, 2010

Thou shalt not steal

I was working on a shoot for the Wine Laid Bare competition with Robert Russell and Myla Radicchia (spelling?). Essentially the aim of the competition is to shoot an implied nude and somehow incorporate wine into it, the proceeds go to a Breast Cancer charity. So the tog had some wine chilling in the basin and a jug that he was using to refill or empty the model's glass depending on the angle of the glass in the shot.... I walked past the basin and naughty ol me decided I deserved a sneaky swig of wine...
*looks around to see if anyone is watching*
*takes a long sip of vino*
The tog had diluted the wine with a lot of water!! Apparently diluted wine photographs better.
So gross.
*spit spit spit*
Thou shalt not steal.


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