Friday, December 17, 2010

My favourite photo. Ever

I love this photo. Well, to be more precise I love what this photo is not. This photo is not of a doll-like girl crossing a busy New York street. No. This photo is of a real girl, really in South Africa. This photo is the genius of Seagram Pearce (I asked him what his name means, I was expecting a cool story, but according to him Seagram is just Seagram *shrug*). When people think of Photoshop they think of no wrinkles and big boobs, but this photo proves how phenomenal Photoshop can be. Photoshop is magic!

Seagram is a Cape Town based photographer and his work is simply amazing He had a trip to JHB planned and was looking for makeup artists to work with. After seeing this taxi pic I would have given body parts to work with him! But boy oh boy was I nervous!!! I had pictured a fairly serious middle aged guy who would take one look at my work and shout 'I can't work like this! Off with your head!'

I was pleasantly surprised. How do they package so much talent in such a fresh young container? And he's funny, real funny. Just take a look at what he does on other shoots with famous people
Fun huh?

Here is a pic from the shoot I did with Seagram, it's not the best of the series but I just love Thabi's shoes so had to post this one!

Seagram, I still have some body parts I'm willing to part with, let me know when you're in JHB again :-)

DISCLAIMER: I had nothing to do with the taxi photo, I wasn't there when it was taken, I don't even know the model. I just love the photo. A lot.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

My best makeover

We were shooting a lingerie catalogue in Germiston (aaall abooaaard, passports and vaccination certificates please) and we spotted this girl in a bad part of town. She had nothing, barely a scrap of clothing....

Something had to be done. We had to help her. I rushed over and a couple of puffs and brush strokes later she was transformed! My best work yet!

Sometimes a little eyeshadow and nipples are all a girl needs.

Photographer: Natasha Andreoni
Model: Catia Rodrigues
Lingerie: Sin-til-late

Friday, December 3, 2010

Model Movember

Most times when a model brings her boyfriend to a shoot it creates tension and really is counterproductive. However, on some rare occassions the boyfriend actually contributes to the shoot and makes himself useful. And on the rarest of occassions he lands up entertaining the makeup artist! Okay okay so maybe I forced him a is good old Mark showing his support for Movember:

I take no responsibility for what happened next! What is it with boys and their obsession with fake things?
