Monday, February 7, 2011

Pushing buttons

I was part of the team that did makeup for a Schwarzkopf hair show. Francois Nel was the key makeup artist and would give us the brief for each look and then demo the look on a model. Call time was 5-frikken-am, in Midrand. The night before, Francois had insisted I be at an event he was part of so we both only had about an hour and a half of sleep. We were tired. We were cranky. Where was the damn coffee? We were both irritable. And then I got past the irritable phase and got to the overtired, stupid phase.

Francois: Okay guys this look is very natural, I want you to lightly emphasise the facial hair, I don't want it very prominent, on stage it must just look like 5 o'clock shadow

Remember I was in the overtired,stupid phase. I completed my look and took the model for inspection.

Me: *snicker snicker* Francois is this okay?

One day that man is going to murder me.

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's the end of the world

One day, the humans in Johannesburg woke up and instead of blue skies and sunshine they saw this:
Within minutes there was widespread interest and slight panic, THE SKY IS FALLING!! I could picture chaos in the matrix too, "A boom mike? A boom mike. A BOOM MIKE!?!?!?!" (if you haven't seen Bolt do it now)

Facebook was flooded with pics of the phenomenon.... and we laugh at Japanese tourists

Everyone was instantly a self proclaimed journalist reporting from the depths of doom, if they didn't immediately add to the millions of identical pics on Facebook we would surely cease to exist.

Luckily for me I had Lisa in the trenches and got a first hand account of the events from someone I know and trust, I was to be saved from the impending doom, hooray!!
Well I would have been if she didn't take the pic from behind a window covered in bird poop. If it really was the end of the world, forget flashbacks of my life, my last thought would have been 'we have put a man on the moon, surely birds can be trained to dig a little hole in the ground to do their business in?'. Yip, the aliens would have dared each other to eat my chewy but tasteless brain. Lisa claims it's paint not poop, but I zoomed in, it's poop. She's a model. And blonde. It's poop.

After an hour or so the panic calmed and I was getting bored of the streams of end-of-the-world pics. And then I saw the best pic ever!!!
Such a clever boy! (I wonder if the SPACE shirt was a coincidence? *cue creepy alien music*). Kyle Goulden is a photographer I haven't worked with yet, but I have to. I am gonna show that pic to someone in a long time from now and they'll say 'yeah I know that pic, you know how many awards it has won?'. And I will have worked with him.

Here are some other pics of his work:

That last one is my favourite! No, seriously, why haven't I worked with him yet?