Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I'm no elf but I work on Christmas Eve

The so called glamorous life of a makeup artist often sees us working at times when we shouldn't, like Christmas Eve. I did makeup for Bronwyn and her daughters, they were hosting Christmas dinner and this family always goes all out no matter what the occassion. They are great to work with, they always have a fully stocked bar and they never let your glass run dry... my kind of people! .... this is the SPARE fridge, just in case!

Misery loves company so I was thrilled that Shane was the chosen photographer for the evening, hey if I'm gonna work then someone I know had better be working too. And Shane isn't just someone I know, he is my gay husband's husband, Days of Our Lives! Shane and I both invited him to join us as Bronwyn's family are cool like that, but he ditched us for some stupid online gaming thing, on Christmas Eve!! It was really nice though cause I've never had the chance to spend time with Shane alone, he normally leaves us girls to chit chat. In between working we had a long talk about religion and life, really interesting it legal to marry my gay husband's husband? Hmmm I think I should schedule separate visits with each of them from now on!

The only downside to having Shane and his fast fingers there was getting caught pretending to make out with a giraffe, and then being forced to pose for a proper photo! I hate photos of myself!

Holy mother of dwarves my skin is snow white!!

Christmas in this house is more fun than most. Even the Christmas stockings are more fun!

There was also a mobile bar with a cute barman who put on a great flaring show which I totally interpreted as lets-blow-this-popsicle-stand-and-go-live-on-an-island. My hands kept being given yet another fancy cocktail so I didn't manage to get a pic of him (that's not a good enough excuse I know!) but Shane has plenty pics from that night, I just need to make a note to nag him and update this post accordingly (don't hold your breaths people...look, a pretty flower in my drink...see how distracting it is, even you forgot about the cute barman for a second!)

So what does a dad who has everything want for Christmas? A piano that plays itself of course! Super cool right? Let me tell you, when you walk into the room and no one else is there and the piano is playing itself you start believing in the Ghost of This Is Your Last Christmas! What the hell is in these cocktails?? I think the barman is trying to get me drunk!


Monday, December 26, 2011

Pretty Christmas

I recently worked for a tv show, All Access Mzanzi, at Emperor's Palace. We shot in the beautifully festive Garden of Lights - a sparkly light display reminiscent of overeager Americans trying to outdo their neighbour's Christmas efforts.

Excuse the el crappo pics, I blame Blackberry. It's almost 2012, a new Earth has been found, but we still can't take decent pics at night, what's the plan Blackberry?!?

And of course it wouldn't be Christmas without a giant Christmas tree....

......and it most certainly wouldn't be Christmas without some tourists 'stealing' the star with amateur trick photography *STREEEETCH*...
Chips! Chips! Everybody on best behaviour!

Yes it seems like fun but I was not a happy camper that day, I had a scissor accident the previous day which got me 3 stitches in my arm and a tetanus injection that hurt like a bitch! My arm was sore, Emperor's is a loooong drive from home, it was drizzling, it was cold, not a happy camper. But luckily the crew was amazing, they all aaah shamed and made me feel a bit better. Glen the sound guy was like an early Christmas present, he carried all my stuff for me, acted like he actually wanted to be at my pity party, and even got me candy!
It turns out Glen is a Taurus, it's my lot in life to be surrounded by amazing Taurus men! He can also be bullied into meeting me at Burnside's at 10pm to bully them into letting us in to feed my cheesecake addiction. Best cheesecake EVER! Burnside's, you might want to write that down.

The presenter was the super gorgeous Pabi Moloi. She has a larger than life personality, a great smile, laughs like she means it, very down to earth, gracious, sophisticated, curves in all the right places and a wicked sense of humour......God I sound like a match making service! She really is fab though. And those cheekbones!!
Damn you Blackberry! That pic does her no justice! ...*click click stalk steal*'s a proper pic courtesy of her Twitter profile
Too pretty.

Merry merry and happy happy everybody!