Saturday, June 6, 2009

My 'I-can-die-now' Pics

I squealed with delight when I first saw this pic, I squealed with delight every time I saw this pic for months afterwards, I still squeal a bit on the inside when I see it. Absolutely adore this pic!

Our gorgeous model, Morne van den Berg, was extremely patient and tolerant. When I said 'Hey maybe I should splash some pink and silver face paint on you then stick these real purdy flowers on top?, he didnt even try put up a fight, he just let me do my thing. Even Johann Marx (our super talented photographer- aka my gay husband - doubted my idea at first... but now he trusts me :-)

Oh and just a quick heads up - baby wipes and certain face paint colours create an awful stench that will have you thinking the neighbourhood brats have dropped a stink bomb and you will secretly suspect the models pineapple and fish soup diet *scrunches her nose and shakes her head to dislodge the stinky memory*

I heard you squeal! I dont think I will ever tire of looking at this pic - the colours, the styling (our oh-so-fab stylist Miss Jordan Leschinsky, how pretty is she?, the gorgeous model (super gorgeous Esmarilda Dankaert,, and of course the squeal inducing photography, lighting, and postwork by Johann Marx (

hmmm seems having your name as your website name is what all the kool kids are doing these days

I was asked to do makeup (tfcd aka for free) for a design student, I figured it was just some girl who would need a couple of pics in various outfits she had designed and really wasnt expecting fabulous results but hey we need to look after our friends

I went off to the shoot half expecting to be bored out of my mind but boy was I wrong! The shoot was based on The Corruption of Alice in Wonderland, these design kids went to so much effort to make sure that every single detail was perfect- from the venue (a garden whose gardener I am certain is smoking the mushrooms that grow there) to the miniature curtains in the house that made Alice look like a giant. The outfits were absolutely gorgeous, the models all took on their roles with as much brilliance as Sawyer's bare chest on Lost. I was blown away by how well thought out and executed the entire shoot was, I hung around for the whole day, what an amazing experience

The photographer Nick Raper (aka Fav) did an absolutely amazing job of the post work. Have a look at his work ( must have been taken)

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