Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our families suffer for our art

Makeup artists see the world as a blank canvas, a canvas begging for a splash of colour and a stroke of fabulousness. We love to add beauty to the world, if we had our way all ugly buildings would be demolished and replaced with giant size cupcake replicas complete with huge swirls of icing and a cherry on top big enough to be seen from space, the world would look like a platter of sparkly yumminess from space!

But alas, we share this world with accountants and other equally grayscale people so we search for canvases closer to home - I can hear the collective nod of boyfriends whose eyebrows have been plucked, sisters who have been forced to wear lipstick, brothers who have been pushed into metrosexuality, friends who are unsure of the blue eyeshadow painted on their eyelids.

Desire De Goede is especially guilty of this crime. Her husband can name a MAC shadow quicker than I can, with 100% accuracy. And he built her a fancy mirror with lights. When she's done with him I'll take him off her hands! They became parents to a gorgeous little boy this year, I know I know every time a makeup artist gives birth to a boy a fairy dies.... but he really is super cute and he too suffers for his mother's art...

"I found this little baby giraffe wondering around in my garden.....I'm going to keep him! Happy Halloween everyone!!"

I heart muas!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! Soooooo cute!!! His mother is lucky he's so cute and patient. Hollychihuahua on SB
